Wanna know a secret?

Writing is my secret sauce.

It’s the way I process life and tap into the deepest parts of my soul and spirit, in a way spoken words often fail. No shallow platitudes here. Come along as I share thoughts from the deep end of the thought pool. 

on the blog

Stories of faith, trials, temptation, and more.

real friends taking a photo

Real Friends

Years ago, I had been praying for a group of godly friends. I had this vision of a “Girl Gang,” replete with matching outfits, backyard BBQs with our hubs and weekend mountain getaways, posting pics on Insta with my #BFFs, ridiculous grins plastered on our faces. Because life was gonna be that amazing and this … read more

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real friends taking a photo

Real Friends


Mother’s Day

Complicated Grief

Overwhelmed but Never Alone

God’s Timing

Live Your Bold Life!

House of Miracles, Pt 3: The GLORYous Details


spotify playlist

Tune into our playlist!

Music can soothe a cranky baby, energize a stadium or heal a broken heart. In my darkest days, music was the way I found the strength to keep going. A melody can usher us into His presence like nothing else.

Enjoy this playlist of songs from me to you that encourage, uplift, and turn our gaze back toward the One who is so very worthy of our praise! By signing up, you are also unlocking a weekly dose of positivity from me straight to your inbox!