We want to be known by the boldness of our faith, but how exactly do we do that?

I’ve got this quote taped up in my office that says, “She will be known by the boldness of her faith.”
At first glance you might think it’s merely another feel good quote. But the truth of it is, IF we are going to be known by the boldness of our faith, it means we WON’T be known by other things…Which set my little head spinning as I thought of all the things we could be known for.
I won’t be remembered for my cooking skills – and definitely not my housekeeping skills. (Or my driving skills, for that matter!) I might be remembered for my ability to plan a trip or coordinate family photo outfits. Maybe even that I was kind.
But what I really want…is to be remembered for my faith.
And not some weak, watered down faith that didn’t do much. No thanks.
I want to be known for a bold faith…but how do we do that exactly?
To be known for the boldness of our faith…
we have to live differently.
I’m not talking about living in a convent and taking an oath of silence (I’d fail miserably in the first 24 hours). Bold faith means saying no to things the rest of the world would approve. It means things like knowing who we are in Christ, resisting gossip and forgiving others when they don’t deserve it. Your life is gonna look different than others who don’t follow Christ. And you know what? THAT’S OK. ❤️
we gotta put our money where our mouth is.
It isn’t enough to quote scripture and post bible verses on Instagram, although there’s nothing wrong with that at all! It’s that QUOTING or POSTING them isn’t enough. We gotta live it out. Let it get deep in the marrow of our bones, change us from the inside out. When we quote Philippians 4:8 that says to fix our thoughts on what is true, right, pure, etc., we actually need to think about those things. Will we be perfect? Nope. But the daily practice that will change your life – and in turn, increase the boldness of your faith.
we will have to go alone at some point.
I don’t want to scare you. But the longer we walk with Jesus, the more often we will have to do things that require us to take steps of obedience that no-one else can do for us. We are going to go (with Jesus) where others can’t – or won’t. You’ll find yourself protecting the innocent, advocating for the marginalized. And it might be the scariest but most beautiful place to live. It’s where you get to see Jesus meet needs you couldn’t, arrange circumstances you never would, and find out that boldness of faith is really just saying yes to Jesus along the way.
You can do this sweet friend.
It’s a wild adventure that is worth every bit of the effort.
Because Jesus is so worth it.
Be known by the boldness of your faith.