An Undivided Heart

While football hums in the background and black-eyed peas simmer on the stove, I wanted to take a minute to say hello on this first day of the year! 

Hello and Happy New Year, my friend! 

With Christmas past us and 2024 on our doorstep, it’s important to take a beat to reflect on what is behind and look toward what is ahead. What went well last year? What marked you? What utterly failed that makes you cringe? (Laughing…because y’all know I’ve got plennnnnty of those!)

I love the phrase, “Windshields are bigger than rear-view mirrors.” Looking back is fine, but if you focus on it, you can’t see where you’re going. (There’s a bad driving joke in there somewhere, but I think you get me) 😉  So as we step into 2024, what do you want to focus on this year? 

Something the Lord has impressed on me to focus on this year is the concept of an Undivided Heart. In a world that clamors for our attention and affection, Jesus beckons us to draw near to him, abide in His word, and resist the temptation to put our trust in earthly things. 

I don’t want to live a duplicitous life – some areas of my life surrendered to Christ, while still hanging on to other parts just so that I feel some sense of control. Whether it’s the food I eat, what I watch on TV, or how I spend my money – anything I refuse to allow Him access to, causes a divide between me and Him. And I’ve lived enough life to know that my best plans are terrible, compared to His.

So as you turn your attention to the new year, what divides your heart? Is there an area of your life not surrendered to Christ? What keeps you from living fully for Him? 

You can expect us to talk about all of this and SO MUCH MORE on the podcast this year…and as we kick off ’24, there’s no better way to do it than to tune in NEXT WEEK, January 9th, for a conversation with Jon Kidwell, leadership guru and all around incredible guy. We are talking about Rehiring Your Best Self – so if bettering yourself is part of your plan in ’24, it’s a conversation you won’t want to miss!

More than anything though, this year is about finding ways to live like Christ, EVEN IF you’ve failed before or EVEN IF you’re scared to take that step out of our comfort zone. In Christ, there is no fear, sweet friend! He’s got you – and HE’S ALREADY THERE!

I love you guys so much, and although it’s been good to have a couple of weeks off to recoup from surgery, man, I’ve missed you! I’m VERY ready to get back to the norm! Can’t wait to see you next week, Jan 9th!

If there’s a way I can pray for you, just reply to this email, and it will come straight to me. And if this little Even If community would be a blessing to someone else, forward this email to them so they can join us!

Love you!


Ps…here’s a Christmas morning photo of our fam, with Lola and Rufus too (albeit focused elsewhere, lol!). If you don’t know my fam well let me introduce (L-R) John, Me, Meredith and Cameron. We were all rocking the morning hair/no-makeup thing, while indulging me with the matching pjs too. They’re such good sports, aren’t they?!

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