Meet kristi
She has a unique charm that makes you feel like you’ve been friends forever, even if you’ve just met. She’s the host of the appropriately named ‘Even If Podcast,’ where she introduces you to individuals from diverse backgrounds who have experienced God’s faithfulness in their toughest times. These are stories of choosing faith over fear…even when they couldn’t comprehend God’s plan or understand why they were chosen to walk this path.
Kristi’s superpower? She’s not afraid to ask the questions that linger in everyone else’s minds but remain unspoken. Her mission, fueled by her deep-rooted faith, is to empower and equip others to stay anchored in Christ, no matter what life throws their way. You don’t want to miss out on the wisdom and inspiration she brings, so stay connected!
I could talk all day about:
1. If They Only Knew
Shame, anxiety and the faulty stories we tell ourselves.
2. Family estrangement
Family estrangement due to abuse, mental illness and childhood trauma.3. ‘Even If’ Moments
Facing challenging times in your life when your faith feels smaller than a mustard seed.4. The Maze of Guilt and Forgiveness
Navigating resentment, grudges, and self-blame.5. Understanding God’s love
Grappling with divine love amidst human suffering.6. Through the Valley, Not Around It
Leaning in instead of numbing out7. The Journey of Faith
Milestones, setbacks, and lessons learned along the way.
kristi’s story
In 2016, life fell apart as she knew it. After decades of struggle, Kristi found herself in the place no one wants to be – estranged from her family of origin. The next four years would prove to be some of the most difficult, but also the most influential in her walk with Christ.
Kristi speaks candidly about family estrangement, sinking into deep depression, and ultimately finding God faithful in the midst of the darkest season. She believes everyone has at least one Even If moment or season that forces them to decide if they’re gonna take God at his word.
Her desire is to bring those stories to life, to meet the broken and hurting where they are, remind them of His goodness, and encourage them to trust Him, even if.
Kristi brings her unique blend of compassion, humor, and inspirational storytelling to engage and motivate her audience. If you are looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker who can offer a fresh perspective on the challenges of life, Kristi is an excellent choice. She is a passionate advocate for those who are struggling and knows how to use her personal story to inspire and uplift others.
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I have the ability to help others bring their story to light.
I’m not afraid to ask the hard questions or sit in awkward spaces.
I really get it. I’ve weathered the storm and still believe He’s good.
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